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        Dr. Ayman Chamma

        Dr. Ayman Chamma

        Dr. Ayman is a Canadian-board Certified Specialist Orthodontist with over 35 years of experience treating children and adult patients with various orthopedic and orthodontic malocclusions.

        Following his graduation from the University of Damascus, Dr. Ayman earned his Master’s in Orthodontics from the University of Manitoba. He has exclusively focused on orthodontics, practicing in Montreal since 1987, before joining European Universal Center in 2024.

        Dr. Ayman offers a diverse range of treatments using fixed and self-ligating orthodontic appliances and clear aligners technology (Invisalign, Smile Correct, and SLX aligners). With a wealth of experience, he has successfully treated hundreds of cases involving patients aged 9 to 70, including surgical interventions.

        In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Ayman spent time teaching undergraduate dental students at the University of Manitoba. He has lectured in Canada and overseas, and served as the Head of the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Damascus from 1985 to 1986.

        He is a Fellow at the World Federation of Orthodontics and is a member of several organizations such as the American Association of Orthodontists, the Northeastern Society of Orthodontists, the Canadian Association of Orthodontists, the Quebec Association of Orthodontists, the Canadian Dental Association, and the Order of Dentists of Quebec.

        He speaks English, Arabic, and French.