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        Get your braces for only
        AED 400 per month

        Start your journey to a more confident smile.

        Orthodontic treatment with braces is a brilliant investment that brings positive changes to your well-being. Achieving a radiant, aligned smile not only enhances your appearance but also elevates your self-esteem. Get your braces for only AED 400 per month and start your journey to a more confident smile. Book a complimentary orthodontic check-up at EUC Dental Center today.

        Our Orthodontists at EUC Dental Center

        Dr. Mirna George

        Specialist Orthodontist (Sweden)

        Dr. Núria Boguñá Nieto

        Specialist Orthodontist (Spain)

        Dr. Da Yeon Park

        Specialist Orthodontist (Hungary)

        Benefits of orthodontic treatment with braces

        Improved Oral Health

        Braces help align teeth, making it easier to clean them properly, reducing the risk of issues like cavities and gum disease.

        Enhanced Aesthetics

        Straight teeth contribute to a more attractive smile, boosting self-esteem and confidence.

        Better Bite Function

        Orthodontic treatment corrects bite issues, improving chewing and reducing the risk of jaw problems.

        Speech Improvement

        Properly aligned teeth can positively impact speech, helping to address any speech impediments.

        Prevention of Long-Term Issues

        Orthodontic treatment can prevent or minimize long-term dental problems, such as abnormal wear and tear on teeth.

        Reduced Risk of Trauma

        Properly aligned teeth are less susceptible to trauma or injury.

        Enhanced Overall Well-Being

        A beautiful, healthy smile contributes to overall well-being and can positively influence social and professional aspects of life.

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